The lifelong question of whether the chicken came first or the egg has been debated for so long it sunk itself into both philosophy and science. It has also produced a bunch of jokes. Regardless, how do birds eggs get fertilized?
Bird eggs get fertilized by rubbing the cloaca of both the female and the male bird on each other as he injects his sperm into her chamber. The female still lays eggs without mating, but no rubbing means no babies.
This article will talk about bird mating habits and the process of how eggs get fertilized.
Birds of different kinds all have a mating season which generally happens around spring. It's important to understand that birds are avians, not mammals. Therefore, their mating rituals don't include a penis and a vagina but a cloaca.
The cloaca is a chamber in the nether regions of a bird. It not only serves a reproductive purpose but all purposes required of the organs "down there." It is what birds use to project sperm (in the case of male birds), produce eggs (in the case of female birds), and also discharge urine and body waste (in the case of both).
The female and male birds would rub their swollen cloacas on each other. The male would eject his sperm into the female's chamber, fertilizing the eggs. The female then lays the eggs, which eventually hatch, and we get to see these cute featherless little ones.
The time when mama birdie sits on the eggs before they hatch is called the incubation period. During this time, the mother constantly tends to the eggs by keeping them warm, turning them occasionally (to avoid overheating), and keeping them safe.
The mother usually leaves the eggs unattended for short periods while feeding herself. The father might also take care of the mother by bringing her food, so she doesn't have to move.
The incubation period can last from ten days to two weeks, depending on the bird and the species.
In the unfortunate case of the mother leaving or dying, the unattended eggs will need much help and care to hatch. Human intervention can be welcome if they follow the proper steps in keeping the eggs warm, safe, and occasionally turned.
If a female bird has not mated, she will lay the eggs anyway, but since they were never fertilized, they would never hatch.
That's where the chicken eggs that made your omelet this morning come from. Chicken eggs consumed by humans are generally not fertilized. So if you ever felt guilty about eating a baby chick...don't.
Is it always necessary for a male bird to be involved when it comes egg laying? Or can birds lay eggs without males? See what our research hatched when we wrote this article.
Birds are not as creative sexually as humans. There's only one position for mating and, contrary to popular belief, birds can't mate while in flight. However, birds might have multiple cloaca rubbing sessions before successful insemination.
Most birds would generally mate with only one partner during a mating season. This doesn't necessarily mean that they mate for life.
However, in each mating season, the mother and father tend to each other and the eggs until they hatch. Since the babies are vulnerable and need lots of care for around eighteen days after hatching, the parents will provide for them and keep them safe.
Eventually, each goes their own way when the babies are old enough to fly and hunt for food by themselves. They might not mate with each other in the next mating season.
If one of the parents dies, they will choose a different partner by the next mating season.
So how do birds get pregnant in the first place?
This interesting YouTube video explains it all..
On the other hand, many birds mate for life, including:
Some of them display beautiful mating dances during flight, on land, or in the water. Some go as far as never mating again if their partner dies. How romantic.
However, birds like the salt marsh sparrow, house wren, and wild turkey are polygamous. This means they can be seen mating with multiple females during the mating season.
The most common type of birds observed in this situation are chickens and roosters. Generally, in the chicken coop, the rooster will mate with multiple females, and each female will eventually be responsible for her own young. They can all live peacefully together but don't be too surprised if you see a plucked chicken after losing a fight.
Birds can take care of themselves and have their own habits and rituals for living their lives. If you come across abandoned fertilized eggs or are an avid bird watcher or keeper, then these items from can help your avian friends:
Be sure to check out all of our articles on bird eggs where we cover everything from shell to yolk!
Birds mate once per year, and the mating process is pretty simple. Fertilized eggs will always produce chicks (provided the proper needs have been met.) Female birds will lay eggs despite not mating. However, those eggs will not contain a live embryo.
For more information, reach out to your vet or a bird specialist.
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About the Author...
Richard Worden, a dedicated bird lover for over 20 years, I love to share my in-depth knowledge and passion for birds. Read more About Me and my expertise in this field.